Time Sure Flies When You Are Having Fun!
May 09, 2023

It is hard to believe that we have already made it through almost five months of 2023 and that planting is in full swing across most of our trade area. It seems like we were getting ready for harvest yesterday, but time sure flies when you are having fun! FUN may be a bit of a stretch, but most of us here at United Cooperative like what we do. Sure, the markets, weather, supply chain problems, and world events make ensuring you can “Rely On Us” a challenge from time to time, but the dedication of our team of employees has not changed. Another thing that has not changed for decades is United Cooperative’s dedication to Agriculture and our Members. This dedication plays out every day in our service to our customers, investments in our people, facilities, equipment, scholarships to our future leaders, and charitable giving. All this is made possible by years of consistent financial performance. As you read in CEO David Cramer’s article, 2022 was another successful year. Patronage checks this year totaled over 30 million dollars, a record for United Cooperative.
This cash is 50% of the total patronage refund paid to our members based on 2022 earnings. Returning Cash to members, building new facilities, handing out scholarships, and growing the business year after year is a lot more FUN than the alternative. THANK YOU for your continued support of United Cooperative, and have a Safe and successful planting season.

Karl Beth
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer