Don’t Get Caught by the Element of Surprise!

Apr 18, 2024

We should have your farm maps updated, and will be able to accurately provide custom applications to your fields. 

Call to schedule your tissue test to measure crop health. We like to start testing corn and soybeans around V5. Please know that we can also test alfalfa and other vegetable crops. After the first test, the next round will be 30 and 60 days later. This gives us a measurement of what the plant is using for crop nutrients and how the ratios are working in the plant. We will be able to see the levels of N, K, P, MG, S, CA, ZN, B, Mn, Cu nutrients in the plant. This is like us going to see the doctor. We look fine, but things might not be quite right in your lab blood work, so the doctor can change our medicine to balance out our needs. This also works in plants. We test them to see what is going on inside allowing us to add different nutrients to the side dress or spray application to balance out the needs of the plant.

The scan chart below shows green levels are good, yellow levels may be responsive to the nutrient and red shows deficient levels of nutrients that limit yield potential. The ratio of N: K and N:S shows the nutrient balance in the plant.

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Jul 10, 2024
One of the considerations you may approach differently this year is fungicide applications. When deciding which acres to spray and which products to use, response-to fungicide (RTF) scores can help you make tailored, hybrid-specific choices based on years of reliable yield data.
Jul 08, 2024
In several areas, Tar Spot has wreaked havoc with corn yield this year as it did in the southwest and the other regions of southern Wisconsin in 2018. Yield reductions can be very severe, with yield reductions up to 100 bushels per acre if Tar Spot hits early and corn doesnt black layer! 20–40-bushel losses are not uncommon where corn is highly infected. Tar Spot is a fungal disease that causes black specks that look like tar splashes on the corn leaves. While being a relatively new corn disease in the United States, growers in South America have dealt with it for years. It most likely moved to the U.S. by windblown spores from tropical storms as far back as 2015.       
Jun 11, 2024
Nitrogen is the most heavily managed nutrient in corn production systems, but like every other essential plant element, it does not act alone. For example, the chlorophyll molecule that is critical for photosynthesis contains 4 nitrogen ions, and sulfur is a key element (along with several others) involved in the formation of chlorophyll so if the plant does not have adequate sulfur the formation of chlorophyll may slow, and/or become less efficient, which is not something any crop producer should want.

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